Due to the modern sensorics and camera equipment we are able to evaluate the tests. That’s one reasons why our customers trust in us for many years.
Measuring cards: National Instruments
– PCI 4472
– PCI 6251
– PCI 6602
Data logger: Dataq DI-700
- Travel / position sensors
- Triangulation laser
- Potentiometer travel sensor
- Piezo force sensor
- Torque sensor
- Highspeed camera
- Acceleration sensor
- Oscilloscope LeCroy WaveJet 314
- Power supply Gossen Metrawatt SSP1500 (controllable)
- LabView 8.6
Montafonerstraße 68
6771 St.Anton i.M., Austria
Tel: +43 5552 31231
Fax: +43 5552 63220